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Visualizer: What Is It And How It Can Help Your Exterior Painting Project

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Painting can give your home a brand-new look, but picking the right exterior home painting color is important. Exterior painting is the first thing a passerby or a potential home buyer notices, making it a public decision. The thousands of color shades also don't make it easier, and most homeowners get confused about the best colors. Fortunately, using a visualizer can make the color selection process easier. Here is what you need to know.

What It Is 

A visualizer is a tool that helps homeowners choose colors for their homes. Instead of having to get sample colors or imagine how certain colors would appear if painted on your walls. A visualizer is a home color selection helper which has different color shades. Upload your home structure or choose between the given stock photos. Select the colors you have in mind to see which suits your home's exterior best.

Basic Things to Consider

While there are different things to consider, there are three basics. First, consider how big your home is. Size affects the choice of paint. Should you go for dark or light paint? If you want your home to appear larger, consider choosing a light color, which will also reflect light on extremely sunny days. Dark colors tend to make a house appear smaller but could be suitable to make the home blend with the surrounding.

You also need to consider your home's architecture before deciding on a color scheme and other factors like the neighborhood context. Also, consider the direction of the wall if you want to paint more than one color. Walls facing north or south are prone to a lot of natural light, and a dark color that dims the light might be appropriate.

Make Work Easier by Using a Visualizer

Once you consider the factors above, you will narrow down the colors you need. Next, use a visualizer and narrow it down to fewer colors. There are different colors and shades on a visualizer, and you can filter through the colors based on the color's popularity or the top decorator's picks.

After choosing a color, confirm by painting color samples. While a visualizer is helpful, it just helps decide on the best colors and doesn't beat sampling the colors. There isn't a substitute for trying on the color. Test the color and check how it appears at different times during the day, evening, or night to get a better picture of how the final paint will appear.

A visualizer can help save time and reduce the hassle when choosing exterior paint. Remember to contract a professional residential exterior painting service for quality, long-lasting work.

To find out more about painting services, contact a company like YU1 Painting Co.
