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Paint Can Protect Your Metal Tanks Against Corrosion

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Large metal tanks are used by many commercial companies to store a variety of products. Whether you have propane, gasoline, or heating oil in your tank, you want to protect it against corrosion.

The last person you might think of when it comes to preserving the structural integrity of your tanks is a commercial painter, but these professionals can help you extend the life of your tanks through proper paint application.

Signs of Damage

Your tank probably came with a coat of paint when you purchased it. The condition of the existing paint on your tank can tell you a lot about the condition of the metal underneath. You want to routinely inspect your storage tanks for signs of damage.

These signs can include bubbling in the paint where water is collecting and flaking paint that leaves the bare metal of the tank exposed to the elements. Take immediate action when you spot these signs of damage by contacting a paint contractor.

Thorough Cleaning

Prior to applying a new coat of paint to your storage tank, the commercial painter will give the tank a thorough cleaning. This includes removing all rubber gaskets to clean dirt and debris that can get stuck between the gasket and the bare metal of the tank.

Cleaning your tank in preparation for new paint can help eliminate corrosion in the future by removing any corrosive contaminants, like salt or chemical residue.

Professional Paint Job

When you hire a commercial painter to refresh your metal storage tank, you can rest assured knowing that you will end up with a professional paint job. This is important, since the technique and product used to paint a metal tank can affect the tank's structural stability over time.

A commercial painter will have access to specialized primers that help lock out moisture and increase paint adhesion. The paint used by commercial painters is durable enough to withstand exposure to the elements.

Since most metal tanks have a smooth surface, imperfections in paint application will be very visible. These imperfections could result in premature flaking, which may contribute to corrosion. Professional painters have the knowledge, skill, and experience required to give your storage tank a protective coat of paint.

Commercial painting can play an important role in protecting your metal storage tank against corrosion. Contact a commercial painting company, like Decorators Service Co., Inc., to help you extend the life of your storage tank in the future.
