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Tips To Make Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets Easier

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Decorating your home can be fun but it can also be very taxing if you are a newbie and have not researched the process ahead of time.  For example, painting kitchen cabinets can create a very personalized, signature look, but it can quickly become a difficult and messy job if you aren't prepared. Interior painting doesn't have to be a stressful situation. Below are eight tips to make painting your kitchen cabinets much easier.

1. Work Area Check, Supplies Check!

Setting up a specific area to work is imperative to make things run smoothly. If you skip this process there will be a huge mess, and you will regret it. Next, create a list of supplies and shop to fill this list. Leave nothing out! Add even the smallest items to your list, or you will find yourself making unnecessary trips to the store in the midst of your project.

2. Preparation is Key

Preparing your cabinets to accept the charming color you have chosen is crucial in order to see the result you want.  This is not an option. Make time to prepare the cabinets just like an artist prepares his or her canvas to accept the masterpiece that is to come.

Remove each cabinet door. Be very careful to not damage the wood. Many people prefer to label the doors so they know exactly where to reattach. A simple diagram and some pencil markings on the cabinet will do the trick. Will you be using new hardware? If so, use wood filler to cover holes from the old hardware or any scratches left on the cabinets from wear and tear.

Ask a hardware store professional on the type of sandpaper needed for the type of wooden cabinets you are working with. Sand down the cabinets to make sure the surface is smooth and wipe away any dust. 

Your hardware store will have primer in stock. Remember to purchase primer for wood and not for metal such as outdoor furniture. Apply the product to the cabinets, and let it dry completely. One of the biggest mistakes people make is not allowing the primer and paint an appropriate amount of time to dry.

3. New Hardware

Drill holes on the cabinets for the new hardware chosen. In other words, once the paint is dry, you don't want to find yourself drilling on a freshly painted cabinet door, so do it now. If you aren't installing new hardware, make sure the old holes for the old hardware are still usable and haven't been painted over.

4. Brush it, Brush it!

Here is the coolest tip of all. Using an angled brush, add the first coat. Before it dries, go over the paint using gentle pressure with the foam roller.  This should take away any brush strokes. You will be amazed!  Allow to dry completely and apply the second coat.

After the primer and both coats of paint have been applied, let it dry overnight.  If you are the type of person that changes paint colors often, then stop here. However, if you are going for a look that will last longer, brush one light layer of satin polycrylic and let dry.  Add the new hardware and attach cabinets back to the original space.

Now you can enjoy the feeling of saving money by doing it yourself, and be proud each time you open the cabinet for a dish.
